Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 8, 2014

Michigan's 'Rape Insurance' Abortion Rider Law Goes Into Effect Today

Insurance - Starting Thursday in Michigan, a woman must purchase an additional insurance policy if she wants reimbursement for an abortion, unless her life is at stake.
The new law drops coverage of most abortions from existing policies -- even to terminate a pregnancy resulting from rape or incest. Women who buy their own individual policies, rather than getting coverage through an employer-based plan, won't be able to purchase the additional coverage, called an abortion rider, from Michigan insurers.
“This law unfairly punishes women simply for being women,” state Rep. Marcia Hovey-Wright (D-Muskegon), chairwoman of the Women’s Democratic Caucus, said in a statement. “Women deserve the same access to full health care as men receive, but only women are told they must buy extra insurance to get it. "The Detroit Free Press reports that only seven insurers will offer abortion riders, and only to members of employee-sponsored plans.
There were 23,230 abortions in Michigan in 2012, and fewer than 4 percent were paid by insurers. A typical first-trimester abortion costs around $500. A study in the medical journal Women's Health Issues found that 14 percent of women who underwent abortions put off paying rent and 16 percent delayed buying food in order to pay for the procedure.
"This law is an attack on women’s health and their economic security, and it is an embarrassment to the state of Michigan," Hovey-Wright said.
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