Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 8, 2014

5 Quick Weight Loss Tips for Summer

Need some quick weight loss tips that will help you get bikini-ready fast?
We get it – it’s hot outside; you don’t always have time to hit the gym; and ice cream is just too tempting on hot summer days. Unfortunately, you might not look the way you want in your bikini if you’ve been neglecting your body.
But don’t feel bad or beat yourself up – everyone slacks off a little sometimes, and you don’t have to avoid going to the beach just because you aren’t the weight that you want to be. Instead of staying home and hating yourself, you should go into action mode and try doing a few simple things that will help you slim down fast and make you feel more comfortable and confident in your bikini. Here’s a look at a few quick weight loss tips to try:
5 Quick Weight Loss Tips for Summer
Skip the salt and alcohol
Save that margarita for the end of the day if you’re planning on heading to the beach. To avoid a bloated belly, avoid salt and alcohol as long as you can before slipping into your bikini. Elle magazine recommends avoiding all processed foods because many of them contain salt hiding underneath different names. Try sticking to meals composed of grilled fish or chicken and steamed veggies, and snack on fruits like watermelon and grapefruit. According to Shape magazine, grapefruit has the added benefit of giving your metabolism a boost and reducing insulin levels.
Eat asparagus
Instead of loading up on carbs that can lead to a bloated belly, fill up on healthy veggies like this one. Asparagus can help reduce water retention, and it’s also a mild laxative that will keep you from getting constipated.
Add dandelion greens to your salad
A salad dressed with olive oil and vinegar is a great light lunch to eat the day before you slip that bikini on. According to Dr. Oz, you should try adding dandelion greens to your salad. They’re a mild diuretic that will flush out water weight, and they help your body break down fats. You can also try sipping on dandelion tea to de-bloat.
Take an Epsom salt bath
Epsom salts can also help you temporarily trim an inch or two off your tummy and other problem areas. Simply add two cups of the salts to your bathwater and soak for at least ten minutes.
Take a probiotic
According to Elle, a probiotic can “help iron out any excess gas or bloating.” Try to start eating Greek yogurt for breakfast a few days before you hit the beach. The less sugar in the yogurt, the better.

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