Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 8, 2014

10 Reasons Why Sorority Girls Should Be Your Favorite Girls

1. We’re smart. Actually our GPA’s are higher than any other organization on campus and despite some girls saying they’re going to college to find a rich husband, most of us actually are going to college to get high paying jobs in the real world. Smart, pretty and potentially your boss someday; Now that’s a dangerous trio.
2. We’re fun. With all that time in the library, we are ready to have fun whenever we can. There’s no doubt sorority girls have the “work hard, play harder” mentality routinely. We’re always down for a good time and a sorority girl always seems to be the life of the party.

3. You can take us home to your mom. We love crafting and baking and cooking and wearing pastel. What more could your Mom ask for? Not to mention, we know how to impress your sweet mother in one sitting because we’re practically trained to do it thanks to recruitment. Give us ten minutes with her and she’ll be begging you to put a ring on our finger; beware.
4. We can talk to anyone. Once again, shout out to rush for this one. We are trained to be smiling, sparkling, outgoing recruiters that can sit down with a bunch of people we don’t know and start up a conversation and we don’t mind doing it. We can totally pretend to be best friends with your buddy’s new girlfriend for an hour and chat with her with minor to zero difficulty.
5. We have pride in our chapters. We’re proud of the chapters we are apart of and represent their platforms each and every day. We do our best to withhold the high morals and obligations that our sororities entail and to still be the best young ladies we can be on a day-to-day basis.
6. We love to eat. So, fair enough sorority girls may have a reputation for thriving on lettuce and Diet Coke for lunch. However, I’ve never met a sorority girl who denied a piece of pizza–or two–at 3 in the morning on a Saturday night.
7. Fall is our favorite season because of football. So what, we like football season best because of football block and the excuse to wear and buy new cute apparel representing our university. Unlike other females, we will never say no to an invite to a football game or throwing on a spirited outfit.
8. We’re confident. We walk proudly around campus knowing not only do we slap the bag better than anyone on campus but, we’re also apart of something much more than that and themed parties. Our success through academics, philanthropy, sisterhood, etc. allows us to feel confident and empowered each and every day
9. We give back through philanthropy. We are passionate about the service we partake in through our chapters and support and promote the philanthropies from which our chapters represent. We don’t expect anything in return but rather we do it from the kindness of our hearts.
10. We dress well. Our look for class look of oversized tees and Nike shorts, we really don’t’. Actually, it’s kind of cute. Also, or a night on the town, we clean up pretty nice. Not to mention, it’s rare to see us showing up repeating an outfit considering we have dozens of closets of sisters to choose from.

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